Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – July 27, 2020
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
Approve Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of June 22, 2020 (Exhibit 1)
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
The public is able to view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through Zoom’s Webinar function
1. Resolution __ Approve the following payments:
- General Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 84 Vendors:
- General Fund Expenditures: $ 333,392.86
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: $ 66,492.62
- Capital Fund Expenditures: $ 669.06
- Totaling: $ 400,554.54
B. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 19 vendors totaling, $132,240.34.
C. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 2 vendor totaling $642,459.15 See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
D. To date the Village Tax Receivables: $3,012,667 (95%) received, $145,665 (5%) remaining. With the Governor’s Executive Order Extension, residents had until July 22, 2020 to pay their taxes.
2. Resolution ___ FEMA Main Dock Project Contract Fee Adjustment, Number 2: 1.) modification/change order – Storm Water Drain System adding an additional outlet drain, $60,140.00 and 2.) Electrical Contractor Wiring and Cabling, $12,360.00; totaling $70,500.00
3. Resolution: Approve the appropriation of a new Work Boat for the Department of Public Works and award the Bid to Sound Marine of Holbrook, NY, in the amount of 69,500 (Exhibit:3)
4. Discussion with possible Resolution: Proposal of the Government Relations Group of Davidoff, Hutcher, and Citron LLP, Derek Wolman, Jonathan McCollum and Steve Malito and Nick Antonucci (Exhibit: 3A)
5. Resolution: ___ Set a Public Hearing at a Board Meeting to be scheduled on August 10, 2020, to amend the Village Code Section 21-65 (b) to allow as a permitted use in the Business E District a brewery use. The proposed definition of “brewery” is an establishment where beer and malt beverages are made on premises and offered for consumption on site, offered for sale directly to customers (including filling growlers) and sold to licensed retailers. (Exhibit 4)
6. Resolution ___ Approve Saturday, September 5, 2020 as the Village Election Registration Day (off-cycle due to the Pandemic).
7. Resolution ___ Approve Tuesday, September 15, 2020 for the Village Election (off-cycle due to the Pandemic).
8. Resolution _____ Approve the appointment of 5 Election Inspectors for the September 15, 2020 General Village Election; the Chief Election Inspector is Ada Chimelis. Other Inspectors to be determined.
9. Discuss the possibility of a pro-rata reimbursement for slip holders due to the delay in opening our Marina this season.
10. Resolution ___ Approve additional services provided by Total Tech, our off-site technology company, focusing on the “Darkweb” and their services, monitoring hackers and malware. (Exhibit: 5)
11. Resolution ___ Approve the extension of the Intermunicipal Agreement between the Village of Bellport and the Town of Brookhaven for assessment functions. (Exhibit 6)
12. Resolution: ___ Approve request by Jessica Stark for reimbursement of Tennis Membership, due to a misunderstanding that someone does not have to be a member of Bellport Tennis to take lessons with the Tennis Pro.
13. Resolution: ___ Approve the refund for Hyla Dotson, a camper enrolled in Kids Camp, who is unable to attend due to an injury, preventing her to participate in camp (we have received a doctor’s note stating such).
14. Updates:
a. Village “Re-Opening” Plan: Ho-Hum, Tennis, Kids’ Camp…
b. Bellport Marina Dock: the FEMA Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654):
c Discussion: Wildlife in Bellport Village – wild animal life is growing in the village: deer, turkeys, racoons, opossum, rodents, rabbits, squirrel, chipmunks, etc. We are initiating a program to address wildlife in the Village, providing information, which when followed can bring about positive change.
d. Updated Calendar of Dates for Our Village Election
Thursday, August 6, 2020 –Last day for the board of trustees to appoint election inspectors.
Sunday, August 16, 2020 – For the villages with only one registration day, last day for the board of trustees to adopt a resolution stating the place and hours at which inspectors will meet to prepare the register and the hours and place of registration and election.
Saturday, September 5, 2020 – Last day for the village clerk to publish notice setting forth the (1) polling place in each district, (2) hours during which the polls are open (at least 12:00 noon to 9:00pm). (3) names and address of candidates, offices, and term nominated for, and (4) abstract of any proposition.
Saturday, September 5, 2020 – Registration day in villages with one registration day.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020 –Last day for the village clerk to receive applications for absentee ballots to be mailed to qualified voters.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020 –Last day for the village clerk to mail absentee ballots to qualified voters.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 – The village election.
15. New York State Grants Suspended until further notice due to the Pandemic:
- Village Community Center
- Repaving of Bellport Lane and Station Road
- Playground Grant
- Storm Water Drain Project – Osborn Park and Village Hall Park
16. Special Events
July Events:
Pilates by the Bay; request for a permit to offer a six-week program of 50-minute Pilates sessions two days a week (approximately 6 attendees), starting July 23rd through September 6th, 2020, at Mothers’ Beach. (Exhibit: 7)
Summer Band Shell Concerts cancelled this season due to the Pandemic
August Events:
Bellport Boys and Girls Club Annual Fundraiser on Saturday, August 22nd, from 3PM-5PM. This year the fundraiser will be held virtually; however, food is proposed to be distributed possibly at the Community Center for this virtual gala event.
Bellport Bay 5K (pending NYS Guidance): August 30, 2020, postponed to July 11, 2021
Summer Concerts at the Bandshell have been cancelled due to the Pandemic
The public is able to view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through Zoom Webinar.
Close Meeting
Executive Session