Village of Bellport – Board Work Session Meeting AGENDA – January 13, 2020


Board Work Session Meeting – January 13, 2020

   A G E N D A

 (Subject to change)


Executive Session, beginning at 5:00PM

1.      Treasurer’s Update:

·         Presentation of Financial Statements by Tom Ruggiero of AVZ, General Fund and Enterprise Fund

·         Review of 2020-21 Budget Meeting Schedule

·         Senior Program donations received in December 2019: Mary Butler – $500 and Jeffrey and Elizabeth Carey, on behalf of Mary Sandford – $500.

·         Review Cash Requirements Plan updates

2.      Update: NYS SAM Grant Award for the Bellport Village Community Center in the amount of $187,000

3.      Update: NYS Economic Community Grant Award for the playground at the Village Dock in the amount $112,500, 75% of the total project cost ($18,500, 12.5% of the total cost, will be donated by the Bellport Village Program Fund (BVPF) and 12.5%, the remaining funds, will be the responsibility of Bellport Village). 

4.      Discussion: New Aluminum Work Boat for DPW and New Garbage Truck Request

5.      Discussion: Opening of Ho Hum Beach for the 2020 Season

6.      Update: The FEMA Main Pier Project 

7.      Review Presentation of the Bellport Golf and Tennis Projects Committee Recommendations for future projects. 

8.      Discussion: Continuation of Code Amendment regarding Solicitation – Next Steps 

9.      Discussion: Amending Code on Driveways, limiting their size 

10.  Review: Code Report, including proposed “No Parking” sign on Bellport Lane at Bell Street in front of Bellport Lane 

11.  Update: Town of Brookhaven offer to place a Glass Recycling Bin for our Village; its proposed placement needs to be determined

12.  Update: Submission of the Preliminary Damage Assessment Summary to Suffolk County for Submission to New York State from Storm on October 10-11, 2019

13.  Review: Building Reports and Zombie Homes in Bellport 

 Executive Session


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