Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – March 23, 2020
Call to Order at 7:00PM, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2020 (Exhibit 1)
Open to the Public
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
1) Resolution ____ Approve the following payments:
A. General Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 74 Vendors:
General Fund Expenditures: $93,453.03, and
Enterprise Fund Expenditures: 4,598.90
Totaling: $98,051.93
B. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 13 vendors totaling,$100,279.29
C. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 2 vendors totaling $278,081.00
See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2 (this exhibit will be distributed before
the meeting on Monday)
2) Resolution ____ Allow the Treasurer to make the necessary budget transfers, as listed in Exhibit 3.
3) Resolution ____ Approve the proposed Greens, Carts and Packages Fees for 2020 Season (Exhibit 4)
4) Resolution ____ Approve the proposed Rate Schedule for Ferry, Marina Slip, etc. (Exhibit 5)
Final: March 23, 2020
5) Presentation of the Tentative 2020-2021 Budget (including backup reports) and setting the
Public Hearing April 6, 2020, at 6:00PM (Exhibit 6)
6) Resolution: ___ Public Hearing “Piercing the Tax Cap” (Exhibit 7)
7) Resolution ____ Approve the ability to “Pierce the Tax Cap”
8) Resolution____ to establish Resurfacing of Station Road/Bellport Lane Capital Project, fundedby $460,000 NYS DOT Grant
9) Resolution ____to close the Capital Project for the Browns Lane sidewalk replacement costing
$93,694.45, funded by the reimbursement from the Suffolk County Water Authority
10) Resolution ____Approve the Final Contractual Payout of $16,966.79 upon Retirement of
Nicholas Mauro as of February 29, 2020 for accrued sick and vacation time
11) Resolution____ Approve utilizing $16,966.79 of the assigned Employee Liability Fund
Balance to fund the sick and vacation payout to Nicholas Mauro
12) Resolution ____ Announcement: Upcoming Village Election Voter Registration Day on
Saturday, June 6, 2020, from 9:00AM-4:00PM.
13) Public Hearing to discuss and review amending Code on Driveways, limiting their size.
(Exhibit 8)
14) Resolution ____ Approve the proposed Code amending the Driveways
15) Resolution ___Approve provider from UMG Cleaning for Cleaning Services, Contract with
Supplies: $64,500 per annum, beginning April 1, 2020 (Exhibit 9)
16) Resolution ____ Approve the donation of 12 Trees from the Bellport Garden Club (Exhibit 10)
17) Review Holiday Schedule and Discuss Proposal of the DPW Superintendent (Exhibit 11)
18) Resolution ____ Approve Holiday Schedule for DPW and Village Hall
19) Updates:
a. Bellport Marina Dock:
The FEMA Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654)
Discussion on a material: Belgian Block (Exhibit 12)
Bridgehampton National Bank Bond Anticipation Note: $2.6M, rate is 3.15%
Other Proposed Village Dock Projects out to BID (not funded by FEMA)
Final: March 23, 2020
1.) Osborn Park/Row Boat Beach Dock – Sink Hole and Bulkhead,
2.) Repair of the Rock Dock and
3.) The Terminus of Browns Lane Repair,
4.) Replacement of the Ferry Dock
b. Researching of the Enterprise Fund
Open to the Public
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