Update on the 2020 Village Elections
1. The Governor has issued an Executive Order that moves the June 16, 2020 Village elections to September 15, 2020.
2. Currently the collection of names on nominating petitions continues to be suspended. New York State will provide Villages with further guidance about nominating petitions. As soon as the Village receives this guidance we will share it with everyone.
3. The State will also provide further guidance about the process to be used to vote.
4. Current elected officials will remain in office until the rescheduled election is held on September 15, 2020, the newly elected officials will assume office when the results of the election are certified.
5. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Mehrkens, Deputy Village Clerk at 631-286-0327, ext. 119 or deputyclerk@bellportvillageny.gov.