Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – March 22, 2021
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
1. Resolution: ____ Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of the February 22, 2021. (Exhibit 1)
2. Resolution ____ Approve the following payments:
- General Fund Checking Abstract Report #10. Consisting of 71 vendors:
- General Fund Expenditures: $121,843.45
- Capital Fund Expenditures: 13,099.61
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: 3,000.00
Totaling: $137,943.06
- Approve the Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #10 Consisting of 14 vendors totaling, $85,332.03.
- Approve the Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #10 Consisting of 1 vendor totaling, $3,214.41.
See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
3. Resolution: ____ Approve the Budget Transfers as of March 22, 2021, as outlined in Exhibit 3.
4. Presentation of the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget. Budget vote is scheduled for Monday, April 5, 2021 at 6PM. Exhibit 4.
5. Resolution: ____ Set the Public Hearing for the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget for April 5 at 6:00PM.
6. Open Public Hearing regarding piercing of the tax cap.
7. Resolution: ____ Approve and authorize piercing of the tax cap.
8. Resolution: ____ Authorize Change Order #1 for the Main Dock (Rock Dock) Capital Project in the amount of $ 99,300. The Change Order is required due to an investigation of the existing decking on the Rock Dock and its substructure. Contractor shall remove deck, replacing approximately 4,660 SF of decking; and reface the east end of the Main Dock.
9. Resolution: ___ Authorize use of the capital projects fund for the Main Dock (Rock Dock) Repair with a projected construction cost of $306,000, plus Change Order #1 (above) at $99,300, and a 20% contingency, equaling a total of $485,360. A bond resolution for a maximum cost of $600,000 was adopted on January 25, 2021 to pay for the costs of this project.
10. Resolution: ___ Authorize use of the capital projects fund for Browns Lane Bulkhead Repair with a projected construction cost of $213,635, and the cost of the Bellport Lane/Shore Road Stormwater Drain System and the Trailer Lot regrading cost of $200,000, with a 20% contingency, equaling a total of $496,362). A bond resolution for a maximum cost of $500,000 was adopted on January 25, 2021 to pay for the costs of this project.
11. Resolution: ___ Accept $47,438.27 reimbursement received from NYS Consolidated Highway Improvement Program for road work.
12. Resolution: ___ Accept and Approve Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order: Deferment of Tax Payments Due, 30 days postponement from July 1, 2021, to August 1, 2021. because of hardship, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Exhibit 5.
13. Discuss the rates and fees for the upcoming Season
14. Resolution ____ Approve Seasonal Fee Schedule for the Beach, Ferry, Dock, Tennis, Kids Camp and Renter ID’s, etc. Exhibit 6
15. Resolution ____ Approve 2021-2022 Landfill Fee Schedule. Exhibit 7.
16. Resolution: ____ Approve the Bellport Village Health Plan, as mandated by Governor Cuomo, regarding Pandemics. The Plan has been reviewed by the Union and its representative and two employees… for their input. (Exhibit: 8)
17. Resolution: ____ Approve the Agreement between the Village of Bellport and Louis Nunez, Director of Tennis. (Exhibit: 9)
18. Resolution: ____ Approve the Agreement between the Village of Bellport and UMG Cleaning Services, extending the contract 5 years, to increases for the first 4 years of the agreement, with a 5% increase in the 5th (Exhibit:10)
19. Resolution: ____ Approve the submission of an application to Brookhaven Township for a HUD Community Development Block Grant for our Senior Program Resolution(Exhibit: 11)
20. Resolution: ____ Approve the appointment of Graheme Williams as the Alternate to the Planning Board
21. Updates:
- Status of the FEMA Main Dock Project
- Status of “Noise Pollution” Discussions
- Reminder: Budget Schedule – MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021 Budget Vote – 6:00 PM via Zoom – Public Hearing and Budget Vote
- Announcement: Mandatory Training on Sexual Harassment for the Board of Trustees and all Village Employees
22. Resolution: ____ Special Events:
- Bellport Brewery: Saint Patrick’s Day Party – March 20, 2021, form 11AM-7PM (Set-up at 9AM, Cleanup until 9PM), Live Band, 100 expected participants/visitors., 30 cars) (Exhibit: 18) (Retro-Active) (Exhibit: 12)
- Request by NYS Senator Weik to utilize our Community Center to hold “One on One with Your Senator Conversation,” Thursday, April 29, 2021, from 5-7PM(Exhibit:13)
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Close Meeting