Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call. All Present
Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of August 18, 2018 (Exhibit 1). Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
Approve Payments of attached bills in the Enterprise Abstract Report, dated September 24, 2018, 20 vendors, totaling $92,551.13; and in the General Abstract Report, dated September 24, 2018, 96 vendors totaling $195,512.74; and further allow the Deputy Treasurer to make the necessary payments and transfers. (Exhibit 2) Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
1. Resolution _66_ Annexation of Ho Hum Beach into the jurisdictional confines of the Village of Bellport (Exhibit 3). Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
2. Approve and accept final funding from HUD through New York State: the remaining 10% reimbursement for the Ho Hum Pavilion – $61,743.47, totaling 100% reimbursement. Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
3. Ho Hum and Pavilion Update
4. Resolution _67_ Approve Grant Award of $15,000 from NYS Senator Thomas Croci for Code Enforcement Cameras for Surveillance System in Village Hall (Exhibit 3A). Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Mackin. APPROVED
5. Resolution _68_ Approve an increase from $75.00 to $80.00 for 2019 Golf Outing Agreements at the Bellport Golf Course (Exhibit 4). Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Mackin. APPROVED
6. Resolution _69_ Accept the permission and right of use of photographic images by Michael Rupolo (BBA: Metro Digital) for the purpose of the Village Website, print, social media and advertising. (Exhibit 5). Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
7. Resolution _70_ Accept and approve Donation of 15 Trees from the Bellport Garden Club
(Exhibit 6). Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
8. Resolution _71_ SCVOA: Fall Municipal Training (Exhibit 7). Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
i) New SEQRA Amendments
ii) NYCOM Legislative Update
iii) Protecting Village Rights in Franchise Agreements and Renewals
iv) Zoning and Planning 101
9. Resolution _72_ Approve the modification and submission of NYS SAM Grant $475,000 First Street and Thornhedge Road (Exhibit 8). Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Mackin. APPROVED
10. Resolution _73_ Approve the Incorporated Village of Bellport Privacy Policy and
Procedure (Exhibit 9). Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Mackin. APPROVED
11. Resolution _74_Use of Village Facilities and Special Events: (Exhibit 10) Motion madeTrustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
a. Bellport High School Home Coming Parade Event on October 6, 2018 at 10AM
b. Lakisha Wilson Wedding, September 24, 2018, at 1:30PM, on the Main Pier Beach
c. United Methodist Church Annual Harvest Festival – Fundraiser, Saturday, September 29, 2018, from 10AM to 4PM.
d. Bellport Community Center: Wet Paints Studio Group, Wet Paints 69th Annual Art Show, October 12, 13, and 14, from 11AM to 4PM.
e. South Country Education Foundation: Becker Gambles Foundation – Fundraiser: New Aires Tango, October 6, 2018, from 4PM-8PM at the Home of Jai and Robert Apfel.
f. Wedding on June 2020 at Mothers’ Beach, Michelle and Tolga, fee: $800.
g. Bellport Chamber of Commerce: Halloween Parade , Saturday, October 27, meet at Bellport Fire House, parade starts at 12 noon.
12. Updates:
a) FEMA Project: Main Pier Project
Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno to enter into Executive Session 2ndy by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED