Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call. ALL PRESENT
Approve Reorganizational Meeting Minutes and Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2018 (Exhibit 1) Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
Approve Payments of attached bills in the Enterprise Abstract Report, dated August 17, 2018, 29 vendors, totaling $114,553.77; and in the General Abstract Report, dated August 17, 2018, 104 vendors totaling $608,996.36; and further allow the Deputy Treasurer to make the necessary payments and transfers. (Exhibit 2) Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
1. Resolution _60_ Accept renewal contract with Cullen & Dunowski, LLP for accounting/audit services. (Exhibit 3) Motion made by Trustee Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
2. Resolution _61_ Accept and Approve the Inter-Municipal Agreement to purchase a truck (Ford F-250 Super Duty XL, $8,000) from South Huntington Water Utility Company. (Exhibit 4) Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee. APPROVED
3. Resolution _62_Accept proposal from Searles Media, Inc. for website development and maintenance for bellportvillage.gov. (Exhibit 5) Motion made by Trustee Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
4. Resolution _63_ Approve SEQRA Submission regarding the First Street Project (Exhibit 6) Motion made by Trustee Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Mackin. APPROVED
5. Resolution _64_ Accept and Approve BID results for First Street DPW Facility Improvements: award (Exhibit 7) Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
6. Resolution _65_Modify Submission of NYS SAM Grant $475,000 First Street and Thornhedge Road (Exhibit 8) Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Gagliano. APPROVED
7. Use of Village Facilities and Special Events: (Exhibit 9)
a) Use of Band Shell Parking Lot for Judge Gail Prudenti’s Private Party, August 26, 2018 4pm-8pm
b) Private Cocktail Party at the home of Katia Read, 1 Peathole Lane, September 1, 2018, 5pm-7pm
c) Girls Scout and Boys Scout Outing to Ho Hum Beach, sponsored by Mary Person, either September 15th or 22nd, 2018, normal fee per person
8. Updates:
a. Main Pier Project Overview
Overview of the Bellport Fire Department, 125th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, August 25th, 2018. (Exhibit 10)