Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – January 25, 2021
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call – Deputy Mayor Joseph Gagliano Absent
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
1. Resolution: 1 Approve Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of the December 21, 2020 (Exhibit 1)
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Mackin
2. Resolution 2 Approve the following payments:
3. General Fund Checking Abstract Report #8. Consisting of 87 vendors:
- General Fund Expenditures: $200,881.00
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: $12,578.90
Totaling: $213,459.90
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
4. Approve the Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #8 Consisting of 10 vendors totaling, $77,866.06.
See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
5. Resolution: 3 Approve the Budget Transfers as of January 25, 2021, as outlined in Exhibit 3.
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
6. Discussion with Noah Nadelson of Munistat Services regarding bonding options. (Exhibit 4)
7. Resolution: 4 Authorizing, subject to permissive referendum, the issuance of a maximum of $500,000 bonds of the Village of Bellport, Suffolk County, New York to pay for repairs to the Browns Lane bulkhead, as well as storm water drains and related road work. (Exhibit 4A)
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Mackin
8. Resolution: 5 Authorizing, subject to permissive referendum, the issuance of a maximum of $600,000 bonds of the Village of Bellport, Suffolk County, New York to pay for repairs to the Main Dock in the Village Marina. (Exhibit 4B)
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
9. Resolution: 6
Motion: Trustee Mackin – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
Approve Change Order 3 – increasing the contract amount by $265,376. Increase costs include:
a/ $176,756.00 – Unsuitable Fill Removal & Disposal;
b/ $88,620.00 – Additional Fill.
Approve Change Order 4 – increasing the contract amount by $114,692. Cost modifications comprise:
a/ $4,406.40 – Modification/Strengthening Ticket Booth Foundation;
b/ $33,854.40 – Installation of Revetment and Additional Carpentry;
c/ $12,360.00 – Modification of Electric and Communication Cabling;
d/ $19,244.00 – Additional Belgian Block Curb;
e/ $3,703.50 – Additional Parking Striping & Deduct for Wheel Stops;
f/ $67,700.00 – Stormwater Modifications;
g/ (-26,576.00) – Deduct Reduced Scope: Pavement, Concreate Walkway, Utility
Poles, and Potable Water Conduit.
10. Resolution: 7 Public Hearing for the Village Code change regarding the Municipal Parking Lot (Exhibit 5)
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
Resolution: 8 Approval of Village Code change regarding the Municipal Parking Lot
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
11. Resolution: 9 Schedule a Public Hearing regarding the Rental Code at our next regularly scheduled Board Meeting to be held on Monday, February 22, 2021, at 7:00PM. (Exhibit 5A)
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
12. Discussion: Final two years of the Yacht Club Agreements: 1.) $50.00 on the land; and 2.) $250.00 for the pad, for the remaining years of the agreements. Resolution: 10 Approval Agreements (Exhibit: 6)
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
13. Resolution: 11 Accept Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) reimbursement received December 28, 2020 in the amount of $110,322.77.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
14. Resolution: 12 Accept donation of $500 received from Jeffery and Elizabeth Carey for the Senior Program.
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
15. Resolution: 13 Accept the donation of a foosball game table for the Community Center from the Hertz family.
Motion: Trustee Mackin – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
16. Resolution: 14 Approve permission for employees, at their sole discretion, to donate accrued vacation and/or sick time to a colleague.
Motion: Trustee Mackin – Second: Trustee Ferrigno – Trustee Rosenberg Abstained
17. Updates:
- Status of the FEMA Main Dock Project
- Reminder: Budget Schedule
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2021 Budget work sessions – 6 PM LOCATION TBD (Beach, Ferry, Dock, Kids Camp)
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2021 Budget work sessions – 6 PM LOCATION TBD (Golf, DPW, Tennis)
- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2021 Budget work sessions – 5 PM LOCATION TBD (Building Dept., Village Hall/Community Center, Justice, Code)
- MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2021 Work Session – 6 PM LOCATION TBD – Review Tentative Budget
- MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021 Board Meeting – 6 PM LOCATION TBD – Presentation of Tentative Budget and setting of Public Hearing
- MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021 Budget Vote – 6 PM LOCATION TBD – Public Hearing and Budget Vote
18. Special Events: No Events at this Time
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Close Meeting
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
Executive Session