Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – April 19, 2021
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call – All Present
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
1. Resolution: 52 Approve the Board Meeting Minutes of March 22, 2021 and the Special Board Meeting Minutes of April 5, 2021.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
2. Resolution 53 Approve the following payments:
- General Fund Checking Abstract Report #11. Consisting of 82 vendors:
- General Fund Expenditures: $110,297.65
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: 10,764.21
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: 6,336.44
Totaling: $127,398.30
Motion: Trustee Mackin – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
2A. Resolution 54 Approve the Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #11 Consisting of 32 vendors totaling, $131,124.36.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
2B. Resolution 55 Approve the Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #14 Consisting of 1 vendor totaling, $2,920.00.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
3. Resolution: 56 Approve the Budget Transfers as of April 19, 2021, as outlined in Exhibit 3.
Motion: Trustee Mackin – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
4. Resolution: 57 Accept NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Grant partial refund of $101,250 was received on March 26, 2021. Additional playground equipment has been ordered to utilize the full grant amount. The remainder of the grant will be received upon close out of the project.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
5. Resolution: 58 Approve payment to Village Department of Public Works employee John Bosco for accrued sick and vacation time who retired effective March 26, 2021. Payment totals $10,060.79.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
6. Resolution: 59 Approve use of $10,060.79 of Employee Liability Assigned Fund Balance for accrued sick and vacation time payout.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
7. Resolution: 60 Approve request for executive order from the Governor’s office for 21-day deferment of property tax deadline due to hardship caused by the pandemic.
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Rosenberg
8. Resolution: 61 Approve Main “Rock” Dock Change Order #1, Revised. (Exhibit 4).
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
9. Resolution: 62 Approve $25 increase to Kayak/Paddleboard rack rate from $100 to $125.
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Mackin
10. Resolution: 63 Upcoming Village Election:
- Village Election June 15, 2021, 7am – 9pm at the Bellport Community Center located at 4 Bell Street, Bellport NY 11713
- Registration Day June 5, 2021, 12noon – 5pm at Bellport Village Hall located at 29 Bellport Lane, Bellport NY 11713. Must register in person with valid village ID.
- Hire Lorraine Crowley, as Chief Village Inspector and hire up to 7 Election Inspectors, as necessary.
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
11. Resolution: 64 Donation of 17 Trees by the Bellport Garden Club (Exhibit 5).
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Mackin
12. Resolution 65 Approve Program and Permit: Stand Up Paddle Board Programs by Meg Shannon for the 2021 Summer Season (Exhibit: 6)
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Mackin
13. Resolution 66 Approve Program and Permit: Pilates by the Bay by Jo Petherbridge and Libby Mayward for the 2021 Summer Season: Memorial Day – July 4: Sundays 9am; July 4 – Labor Day: Sundays 9am; Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am (Exhibit 7)
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno – Second: Trustee Mackin
14. Updates:
- Status of the FEMA Main Dock Project
- DHC Government Advocacy Group – US Congressman Lee Zeldin’s Office Grant Request for Proposals: 1.) Marina Boat Basin, 2.) Ho Hum Beach Marina, and 3.) Ho Hum Pavilion
- Discussions Bonding Process: The Village is working with Munistat Services, Inc. to prepare for the upcoming bond issuance. The bond will fund the following, as well as the bond issuance costs, totaling approximately $25,000:
- Main Dock Repairs and – $496,362
- Browns Lane Bulkhead and Related Road Work – $485,360
- DPW Yard Renovation – $671,600
- Village’s 10% share of FEMA Main Dock Project – $299,600
The bonds will replace the BAN’s already issued for the DPW Yard Renovation (remaining BAN of $671,600) and FEMA Main Dock Project (Village Share, remaining BAN of $249,600).
Bond Schedule (Exhibit 8)
d. Waterfront Commission Meeting, including Proposal – Bellport Environmental Fund (“BFD”)
e. Request: H2O Water Taxi – use of the Village Marina for Water Transport on the Great South Bay (Exhibit: 9)
f. Termite Infestations on Village Property: Community Center and the Golf Pro Shop
15. Resolution: 67 Discussion under COVID-19 Pandemic: Proposed Special Events:
- Memorial Day Parade – VFW and Bellport Village: May 31, 2021
- Bellport Chamber of Commerce: Bellport Day 2021 – Saturday, July 31, 2021 (no rain date), 11AM-4:30PM (set-up at 8AM)
- South Country Library: Movie Night at the Bellport Bandshell – Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 8PM
- Bellport Village Program Fund: Bellport Bay 5K – Sunday, August 29, 2021, more details to follow.
- Bellport Fire Department: Classic Car Show – Sunday, October 3, 2021, 6AM-5PM, (expected 500 participants/visitors)
- Bellport Village: Bandshell Summer Concerts, various dates
- Artists on the Lane – Annual Art Show – July 4, 2021
- Antiques and Collectibles Fair – Mary Immaculate: July 4th, 2021 6:00AM-6:00PM
- US Sailing Area B Championship – Bellport Bay Yacht Club: July 7-8, 2021, 8:00AM-8:00PM
- Fundraiser, Annual Auction and Cocktail Party – South Country Education Foundation, Saturday, August 14, 2021, Noon-9:00PM
- Fireworks by Grucci – Memorial for a Grucci Employee, for 5 minutes off a barge
Motion: Trustee Rosenberg – Second: Trustee Ferrigno
Open to the Public: The public is able to remotely view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through a Zoom Webinar.
Close Meeting