The Village’s Bulkhead replacement project began on January 13, 2020. The anticipated completion date is the first week in April.
The construction area will be closed until the project is completed. The area has been fenced off for safety of our residents and for the welfare of the workers from Terry Contracting.
Terry Contracting was formed in 1986 as an excavation and site work company. Their expertise has expanded from the original site work focus to a strong resume of marine and environmental projects. Their core values have not changed over the last twenty years, which is to provide a quality project at a reasonable price.
Some of their most challenging projects have been in the marine construction field. Along with typical bulkheads and pier construction, they have also constructed outfall pipes into the Atlantic Ocean and LI sound. Much of this work involves installing steel sheet pilings and extensive dewatering. They own a large inventory of steel sheeting and all the equipment needed to install it. They have also done many mechanical and hydraulic dredging projects and own their own barges, cranes, and work boats.
As we move through the winter, the Village is anticipating opening the dock with the new bulkhead in place for our 2020 boating season.
From time to time the Village will update our residents with pictures of the construction progress.