PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that should the Executive Order suspending New York Open Meetings Law not be extended past September 4, 2020, the Village of Bellport Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7 pm in the Bellport Community Center, 4 Bell Street, Bellport, NY to consider the following application. If the suspension of the New York State Open Meetings Law is extended past the above referenced date, the meeting will be streamed live over the internet and interested parties can find the link at
Colin Stokes, 6-8 Circuit Road, Bellport, New York, seeks the following variances to renovate 2 existing single-family dwellings on a single lot:
Sec. 21-86. – Nonconforming buildings and structures; nonconforming uses.
(c) A legally existing nonconforming building or structure shall not be enlarged, expanded or altered except as follows:
(1) The use of the building or structure is permitted and conforms with the requirements of this chapter, and
(2) The proposed enlargement, expansion or alteration of the building or structure conforms with all area requirements
of this chapter, excepting minimum lot area and street frontage requirements. In no event shall the degree of
nonconformity be increased.
(d) No building, structure or lot used for a nonconforming use shall be enlarged, expanded or altered.
Proposed: 66 Square foot addition and conversion of sunroom to habitable space at 6 Circuit Road; 115 square foot addition to 8 Circuit Road
Sec. 21-271. – Building area.
- Main building and accessory buildings: In the Residence B District the maximum total building area for the main building and all accessory buildings shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the total lot area.
Proposed: Total area coverage of 21.3%
Sec. 21-272. – Accessory buildings and structures.
- In the Residence B District, unless addressed specifically elsewhere in this chapter, all accessory structures must be located in the rear yard of a lot and be setback at least ten (10) feet from all property lines.
Proposed: 123 square foot deck located 5 feet 5 inches from the property line.
The property is located in the “B” Residence District. The Suffolk County Tax Map Number is 0202-7-4-11.
All persons with an interest may attend and will be heard. The Community Center is handicapped accessible.