Village of Bellport Board of Trustees Work Session Agenda – July 6, 2021 – Immediately Following Reorganization Meeting – Community Center

Village of Bellport

Work Session Board Meeting – July 6, 2021

 beginning at 6:00PM


immediately following the Reorganization Meeting


This meeting is open to the public in the Village Community Center. It is an in-person meeting.

1. Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Review of year-to-date financials through June 30, 2021 (Exhibit 1)
  2. Total taxes collected through June 28, 2021: $2,038,761.57 (71.71% of the budget)
  3. Bellport Water District: SCWA Agreement for the dissolution of the agreement. (Exhibit: 2)
  4. Bond principal payment of $30,000 and interest payment of $4,106.25 to be paid on July 15, 2021, for the $485,000 Bond (Exhibit 3)
  5. Bond interest payment of $3,181.25 due to the Depository Trust/Chase Bank on the $1.42M bond (Enterprise: 65% and General 35%). (Exhibit: 4)
  6. Review Engagement Letter for Audit Services from Cullen & Danowski in the amount of $29,000 for annual audit and the AUD, $5,000 single audit. (Exhibit: 5)
  7. Retirement of Raymond Gaschott effective June 30, 2021, from the Bellport DPW with a final payment of $16,019.20 for accrued unused paid time off. (Exhibit: 6)

2. Discussion Topic: Smoking on Village Property

3. Update: New Code on Biking

4. Discussion Topic: Cannabis Opt-Out

5. Updates:

  • FEMA Main Dock Project
  • Grant submission to US Senators: Gillibrand and Schumer and Congressman Zeldin
  • Draft Code: “Regulation of Certain Licensed Home Improvement Contractors.” (Exhibit: 7)
  • Village Planning Board: Resignation of Frances Bernstein, as of June 23, 2021. We Village appreciates all her years of service.The Beautification Committee: Resignation of John Beitel, as of June 16, 2021. The Village appreciates all his years of service.
  • Update from Alexander Prego, Suffolk County Department of Public Works: Director of Highway Engineering and Permits, Traffic Calming Measures: Speed Humps and Pedestrian Stanchions at South Country Road and North and South Howells Roads

6. Review Monthly Building Report (Exhibit: 8)

7. Review Monthly Code Report (Exhibit: 9)

8. Special Events:

Bellport Bay Yacht Club – Fundraising Event: at the Yacht Club, Tuesday, July 13, 2021, from 5:00PM to 8:00 PM request to close the end of the dock.

9. Review the June 21, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes (Exhibit: 10)



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