Budget Preparation

Village Budget


The Village Board has been developing the 2020-21 Draft Budget, including the budget workshop held on 3/18/2020.

At this time the budget is at a 4% tax increase, which would represent an $88.00 tax increase for the average assessed home in the Village.

Areas of reductions:

·         Ferry hull painting postponed until next year.

·         Revise and updating of Village Building Code postponed until next year.

·         The Village will use $46,794 from unspent bond proceeds to offset bond/ban interest in this year’s budget.

·         Eliminate $93,600 in BAN principal to be funded through the FEMA progress payment

·         Eliminate the $17,000 for a new work boat from the capital lease line.

Areas of proposed increased revenue:

·         Increase ferry ticket prices

·         Develop a fee schedule for docking space at Ho Hum Beach

The Village Board will continue to revise the Village Budget and review it with the public at the upcoming Budget Public Hearing.


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