Board of Trustees Work Session Agenda for 6/8/2020 at 6:00 pm

Village of Bellport


Board Work Session Meeting – June 8, 2020


A G E N D A – Subject to Change



1)      Presentation by John Turner regarding a proposed micro-brewery at 12-14 Station Road


2)      The Gateway Drive-In Movie Proposal (Exhibit: 1)


3)      Village “Re-Opening” Plan: Waterfront Guidelines (Exhibit: 2); ID Cards for Extended Family during COVID (proposed fee: $75); Kids’ Camp Plan (pending NYS Guidance): July 6, 2020 (Exhibit: 3)


4)      Deferment Tax Payments Due under the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis (Exhibit: 4)


5)      Application for Eating and Serving Out-doors during COVID-19 Crisis (Exhibit: 5)


6)      Rental fee on Multiple Dwellings: $250 for the first dwelling, $50 for each additional dwelling in the building


7)      Treasurer’s Update:


i)       Establishment of Capital Project Funding for the Playground Project: $148,500 (Grant: $112,500; Bellport Village Program Fund: $18,000; Bellport Village: 18,000). The Contract was received from NYS


ii)     Establishment of Capital Project Funding for the Community Center Renovations: $187,500


8)      Updates:


a)      The Main Dock:


·         Construction Progress

·         Yacht Club: Sand under the Club, upgrading elevation, the Proposed Sailing Foundation Outbuilding

·         Sailing Foundation

·         Slip Holders requesting Pro-rata reimbursement for the delay in the completion of the Marina Project

·         Slip Holder requesting to transfer the slip to a friend for the season

·         Mid-Night Shift Dock Guard Shift at the Marina


b)      Parkland Project at the Golf Course (Exhibit: 6)


c)      Review Building Report (Exhibit: 6A)


9)      Special Events


All Special Events are postponed until the Village receives guidance from Albany and Suffolk County


June Events:


Paddle Boat Permit: Meghan Shannon (Exhibit: 7)

Voter Registration: late August-early September

Kreamer Street School Picnics June 8, 9, 10 and 22, cancelled

Elementary School Moving-up Procession: June 18, 2020

Middle School Moving-up Procession: June 24, 2020

Bellport High School Graduation Procession: June 25, 2020

Beach to be opened on Saturday and Sunday on July 27-28 Weekend

Tennis Camp (pending NYS Guidance): June 29th


July Events:


Beach opens full time: July 1, 2020

Artist on the Lane (pending NYS Guidance): July 4th

Mary Immaculate Fundraiser Yard Sale (pending NYS Guidance): July 4th (Exhibit: 8)

Kids Camp (pending NYS Guidance): July 6 -31

South Country Education Foundation: July 11 (cancelled)

Discussion: Summer Concert Series at the Bandshell concerts thru Labor Day weekend (pending NYS Guidance)


August Events:


Bellport Bay 5K (pending NYS Guidance): August 30, 2020


10)  Review the May 18, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes and the Special Board Meeting on May 26, 2020 Minutes (Exhibit: 9)





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