Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – May 18, 2020
A G E N D A – Subject to Change
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
Approve Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2020 (Exhibit 1)
Open to the Public (the public is able to view this meeting live, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through YouTube)
Report of the Trustees
1) Resolution ____ Approve the following payments:
A. General Fund Checking Abstract Report #12, 53 Vendors:
▪ General Fund Expenditures: $ 114,942.73, and
▪ Enterprise Fund Expenditures: 9,230.31
Totaling: $ 124,173.04
B. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #12, 13 vendors totaling, $87,070.12.
C. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #12, 2 vendors totaling $321,702.55
See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
2) Resolution ____ Allow the Treasurer to make the necessary budget transfers, as listed in Exhibit 3.
3) Resolution: ___ Establish a capital project for the Village Hall ADA compliant ramp to be funded by the 2019 Community Development Block Grant for $35,000.
4) Resolution: ___ Establish a capital project for the Community Center ADA compliant ramp to be funded by the 2018 Community Development Block Grant for $33,400.
5) Resolution: ___ Approve the new 2020 Tennis Membership Fees (each membership is increased by $20.00) (Exhibit 4)
6) Approve the Salary Continuation Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis (Exhibit 5)
7) Updates:
A. Village “Re-Opening” Plan: Ho-Hum, Golf, Tennis, Kids’ Camp…
B. Upcoming Tax Payments Due under the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
C. Upcoming Election Process under the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
D. Bellport Marina Dock:
▪ The FEMA Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654)
▪ Other Village Dock Projects BID Results (not under FEMA)
1. Osborn Park Dock/Row Boat Bulkhead,
2. Repair of the Rock Dock
3. The Terminus of Browns Lane Repair,
4. Replacement of the Ferry Dock
E. Proposed Bellport High School 2020 Graduate Car Procession, starting at the middle school on Kreamer Street to BHS
on Beaver Damn, tentative date: Thursday, June 25, 2020, starting at 7:00PM
Open to the Public (the public is able to audit this meeting, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through YouTube)
Close Meeting
Executive Session