Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes For September 23, 2019


Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – September 23, 2019

 M I N U T E S


Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call.  All Present, Deputy Mayor Joseph Gagliano left meeting after Agenda Item #1

Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of August 24, 2018 (Exhibit 1)

Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano

Report of the Trustees

Open to the Public

Approve Payments of attached bills in the:

·         Enterprise Abstract Report, dated September 23, 2019, 23 vendors, $ 128,683.88;

·         General Abstract Report, dated September 23, 2019, 96 vendors totaling $ 183,305.33;

·         Capital Abstract Report, dated September 23, 2019, 2 vendors totaling $ 29,726.84; and

·         allow the Treasurer to make the necessary payments and transfers. (Exhibit 2)

Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg APPROVED

1.      Resolution #77 Public Hearing on the suggested No Parking Signs on South Country Road between the western boarder of Bellport Village with East Patchogue and Country Club Road by the Suffolk County Department of Public Works, Director of Traffic Engineering, Alexander Prego (Exhibit 3)

Motion to open hearing made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Mackin, Motion to close hearing made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno, Motion to Adopt Resolution made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Mackin APPROVED

2.      Update: Recap of the Blue Water Vagabond Surf Festival, held Sunday, September 15, 2019

3.      Resolution #78 Set a Public Hearing on October 21, 2019, at 7:00PM on Zoning to add regulations for the installation of Small Wireless Facilities in public right of ways

Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Mackin APPROVED

4.      Resolution #79 Set a Public Hearing on October 21, 2019, at 7:00PM on a Code Amendment on Solicitation with the Village

Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Mackin APPROVED

5.      Resolution #80 Approve Rates for the 2020-2021 Bellport Golf Course Season (Exhibit 4)

Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd made by Trustee Mackin APPROVED

6.      Resolution #81 Accept and approve the Donation of 10 Trees from the Bellport Garden Club (Exhibit 5)

Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd made by Trustee Mackin APPROVED

7.      Resolution #82 Approve the NYCOM Conference for the DPW Superintendents: October 20-23, 2019, in Ithaca, New York. (Exhibit 6) Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg APPROVED

8.      Updates:

a.  Recap of the Summer Season through August 31, 2019

b.  Main Dock Project: BID Opening on October 2, 2019, Projected start date: November 1, 2019, end date: April 3, 2019

c.  Re-surfacing Browns Lane

d.  Re-surfacing Thornhedge

e.  Osborn Park Dock: Sink Hole, Boat Launch Area, Rock Dock Blowout

1.      Resolution #83 Use of Village Facilities and Special Events (Exhibit 7):

Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg APPROVED

a.  Bellport Methodist Church: Annual Harvest Fair and Auction Fundraiser, Saturday, September 28, 2019, 8:00AM-4:00PM

b.  Bellport High School Annual Homecoming Parade: Saturday, October 5, 2019, on Main Street

c.  Village of Bellport/Bellport Chamber of Commerce Annual Scarecrow Contest: Sunday, October 6, 2019

Open to the Public

Close Meeting – Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno APPROVED


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