Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – June 24, 2019
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call: All present except Trustee Mackin
1. Resolution # 38 Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2019 (Exhibit 1)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
2. Resolution # 39 Approve proposed Budget Transfers for Financial Statements (Exhibit 2)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
3. Resolution # 40 Approve Payments of the attached invoices in the Abstract Reports, dated May 31, 2019 (Exhibit 3)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
· Enterprise Fund, 14 Vendors totaling $13,023.13
· General Fund, 60 Vendors totaling $ 140,523.21
· Authorize the Deputy Treasurer to make the required payments and transfers
4. Resolution # 41 Approve Payments of the attached invoices in the Abstract Reports, dated June 24, 2019 (Exhibit 4)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
· Enterprise Fund, 19 Vendors totaling $147,122.95
· General Fund, 49 Vendors totaling $79,354.55
· Authorize the Deputy Treasurer to make the required payments and transfers.
Report of Trustees
Open to the Public
1. Resolution # 42 Special Presentation of Commendation to Eileen Gilligan, retiring US Postal Service Bellport Village employee after 25 years.
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
2. Resolution # 43 Accept the Election Results: Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
Election Day Results of Tuesday June 18, 2019
Candidates for Mayor: Raymond Fell 420 Votes, mayoral winner
Bob Morris 140 Votes
Candidates for Trustee (2):
Michael Ferrigno 468 Votes, trustee winner
Robert Rosenberg 448 Votes, trustee winner
Swearing in of the Mayors and Trustees
3. Resolution # 44 Accept and approve the new hire Alexandra McCabe in the position of Treasurer; her start date is Monday, July 8, 2019 (Exhibit 5)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
4. Public Hearing: Discontinue Stop Sign in Code on Maple Avenue and Bellport Lane (Exhibit 6)
5. Resolution # 46 Remove from Village Code the Stop Sign in Village Code on Maple Avenue and Bellport Lane.
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno, Deputy Mayor Gagliano abstained. APPROVED
6. Resolution # 47 Public Hearing No Parking Signs on South Country Road, request made by Suffolk County through their traffic study (Exhibit 7) Board Meeting July 20, 2019. Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
7. Resolution # 48 Approve for submission the Storm Water Drain Report dated June 1, 2019 (Exhibit 8) Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
8. Resolution # 49 Schedule the Summer Meeting dates for the Board Work Sessions and Board Meetings: Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
· Monday, July 8, 2019 at 6:00PM – Work Session
· Saturday, July 20, 2019 at 9:00AM – Re-organizational Meeting and Monthly Board Meeting
· Monday, August 5, 2019 at 6:00PM – Work Session
· Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 9:00AM – Monthly Board Meeting
9. Resolution # 50 Accept NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Approval for the Ho Hum Pavilion dated June 19, 2019. (Exhibit 9) Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
10. Resolution # 51 Accept Check in the amount of $93,694.45 from SCWA for the Paving Restoration of Browns Land and Price Street (Exhibit 10) Motin made by Trustee Rosenberg 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
11. Resolution # 52 Accept and Approve the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and Procedure (Exhibit 11) Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd
12. Resolution # 53 Approve the formation of a Playground Committee for the beach area west of the Main Dock: Sherry Binnington, Jane Graham, Agatha Emmett, and Michelle Chiaramonte. Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg. APPROVED
13. Resolution # 54 Approve the pursuit of a NYS Long Island Regional Development Committee Grant for the replacement and restoration of the Playground on the Main Dock. Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno. APPROVED
14. Updates:
· Amendments to the Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6 regarding septic system replacement or retrofitted approval, effective July 1, 2019(Exhibit 12)
· Bridge at the Golf Course – Conditions and Reparations
· Ho Hum Floating Dock Extension
· NYS Grant Application for the Playground at the Main Dock: a 50% Match
· Osborn Park Dock Sink Hole and Rock Dock Bulkhead Repair
· Community Center Recreational Room Policies and Procedures (Exhibit 13)
· Letter to residents regarding Vegetation growing into the Street (Exhibit 14)
15. Resolution # 55 Approve the following Special Events (Exhibit 15) Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED
a) South Country Education Foundation: July 13, 10am-9pm at 40 Academy Lane
b) Bellport Bay Yacht Club: John Everitt Memorial Clinic, June 28-30, 2019, 8am-4pm, 50 Participants
c) Bellport Bay Yacht Club: GSBYRA Junior Sailing Regatta, July 26, 2019, 8AM-4PM, 100 expected participants.
d) Bellport Village Program Fund: Cocktails by the Bay – Saturday, August 10, 2019, 6PM-8PM
e) Chamber of Commerce: Bellport Day – Saturday, July 27th, 8AM-5PM, expecting up to 2,000 participants
Open to the Public
Close Meeting Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano. APPROVED