Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – January 27, 2020
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call – Deputy Mayor Gagliano – Absent
Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2019 (Exhibit 1)
Motion: Trustee Ferrigno, Second: Trustee Rosenberg – APPROVED
Presentation of a Certificate of Public Recognition to Caroline (Ceci) Tripp for her 16 years of dedicated service to our Village on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Report of the Trustees
Open to the Public
1) Resolution: 1 Approve the following payments:
A. General Fund Checking Abstract Report, totaling 81 Vendors:
General Fund Expenditures: $238,500.36
Enterprise Fund Expenditures: $16,116.48
Totaling: $254,616.84
B. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report, 9 vendors, $78,690.51
C. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report, 1 vendor totaling $8,640.00 See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
2) Resolution: 2 Allow the Treasurer to make the necessary budget transfers, as listed in Exhibit 3.
Motion made by Trustee Mackin, 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg – APPROVED
3) Resolution: 3 Approving the new Hire for DPW John Hartwell, Jr., as of March 1, 2020, as the replacement to the retiring DPW worker, Nicholas Mauro. His starting salary is $26.53 per hour ($55,182.40, annualized), and he will be eligible for the NYS Retirement System and Medical Coverage. There were 12 candidates who had applied and 7 were interviewed. (Exhibit 4)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
4) Resolution: 4 Set a Public Hearing on the regularly scheduled board meeting of the February 24, 2020 to discuss and review a newly revised Solicitation Code, amending our current Code on Solicitation (Exhibit 5)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
5) Resolution: 5 Set a Public Hearing on the regularly scheduled board meeting of the February 24, 2020 to discuss and review amending Code on Driveways, limiting their size. (Exhibit 6)
Motion made by Trustee Mackin, 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg – APPROVED
6) Resolution: 6 Approve and accept the NYS Economic Community Grant Award for the playground at the Village Dock in the amount $112,500, 75% of the total project cost ($18,750, 12.5% of the total cost, will be donated by the Bellport Village Program Fund (BVPF) and 12.5%, the remaining funds, will be the responsibility of Bellport Village). (Exhibit 7)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
7) Resolution: 7 Approve and accept the NYS SAM Grant Award for the Bellport Village Community Center in the amount of $187,500.
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
8) Resolution: 8 Approve and accept the NYS Office of the State Comptroller partial reimbursement of $38,000 for the resurfacing of the Village’s portion of Head of the Neck Road. (Exhibit 8)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
9) Updates:
a. Bellport Marina Dock:
· The FEMA Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654)
· Other Village Dock Projects, not under FEMA:
1.) Boat Launch Repair,
2.) Osborn Park/Row Boat Beach Dock – Sink Hole and Bulkhead
3.) Repair of the Rock Dock
4.) The Terminus of Browns Lane Repair
5.) Replacement of the Ferry Dock
b. The 2020-2021 Budget Meeting Schedule:
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2020 Budget work sessions – 6 PM Village Hall
(Beach, Ferry, Dock, Kids Camp)
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2020 Budget work sessions – 6 PM Village Hall
(Golf, Highway, Tennis)
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020 Budget work sessions – 5 PM Village Hall
(Building Dept., Village Hall/Community Center, Justice, Code)
MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2020 Work Session – 6 PM Village Hall – Review Tentative Budget
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020 Board Meeting – 6 PM Village Hall – Presentation of Tentative Budget and setting of Public Hearing
MONDAY APRIL 6, 2020 Budget Vote – 6 PM Community Center – Public Hearing and Budget Vote
c. Proposed “No Parking” sign on Bellport Lane at Bell Street in front of Bellport Lane
Open to the Public
Close Meeting