Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – December 16, 2019
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call – Trustee Mackin Absent
Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2019 (Exhibit 1) – Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno, 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg APPROVED
Report of the Trustees
Open to the Public
1) Resolution 99 Approve the following payments:
A. General Fund Checking Abstract Report, totaling 92 Vendors:
General Fund Expenditures: $196,268.98, and
Enterprise Fund Expenditures: $10,301.50,
Totaling: $206,570.48
B. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report, 21 vendors, $98,035.06
C. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report, 1 vendor totaling $4,320.00 – See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2 –
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
2) Resolution 100 Allow the Treasurer to make the necessary budget transfers, as listed in Exhibit 3.
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
3) Resolution 101 Authorizing improvements to the FEMA Main Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654) in and for the Village of Bellport, at a maximum estimated cost of $2.6M and authorizing, subject to permissive referendum, the issuance of the $2.6M serial bonds of said Village to pay the cost thereof. Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) with Bridgehampton National Bank. (Exhibit 4)
Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno, 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
4) Resolution 102 IMA with Brookhaven Township for the purchasing of salt and sand and the use of DPW equipment (Exhibit 5).
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
5) Resolution: 103 IMA with The South Country School District (SCSD), regarding salt and sand and sharing of Bellport DPW and SCSD equipment,
when needed. (Exhibit 6)
Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno, 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
6) Resolution 104 Approve Historic Preservation Commission nomination, Elena Brodie- Kusa as a Commission Member to replace Maria Alataris.
Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno, 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
7) Resolution 105 Approve Zoning Board of Appeals nomination, Michael Cohen as a Board Member, to replace Caroline Tripp.
Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano, 2nd by Trustee Rosenberg – APPROVED
8) Resolution: 106 Accept the permission and right of use of photographic images by Michael Busch (DBA: Great South Bay Images) or the purposes of the
Bellport Village Website, print, social media, and advertising. (Exhibit 7)
Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
9) Updates:
a. Discussion: Submission of the Preliminary Damage Assessment Summary to Suffolk County for Submission to New York State from Storm
on October 10-11, 2019
b. Status: The Bellport Golf and Tennis Projects Committee Recommendations for future projects.
c. Town of Brookhaven offer to place a Glass Recycling Bin in our Village; its placement needs to be determined
d. Status of 1.) Boat Launch Repair, 2.) Osborn Park/Row Boat Beach Dock – Sink Hole and Bulkhead, 3.) Repair of the Rock Dock and 4.)
the end of Browns Lane Repair, 5.) Replacement of the Ferry Dock
e. Status of the Community Center ADA Ramp
December 24th and 25th – CLOSED
December 31st: and January 1st – CLOSED
Open to the Public
Close Meeting – Motion made by Trustee Rosenberg, 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED