Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – October 21, 2019
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call – Robert Rosenberg – Absent
· Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of September 24, 2018 (Exhibit 1) Motion: Trustee Mackin, Second: Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
Report of the Trustees
Open to the Public
Approve Payments of attached bills in the:
· Enterprise Abstract Report, dated October 21, 2019, 12 vendors, $ 164,128.25;
· General Abstract Report, dated October 21, 2019, 81 vendors totaling $ 176,491.43;
· Capital Abstract Report, dated October 21, 2019, 1 vendor totaling $ 3,441.49; and
· allow the Treasurer to make the necessary payments and transfers. (Exhibit 2) Motion: Trustee Mackin, Second: Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
1. Public Hearing on Zoning to add regulations for the installation of Small Wireless Facility in public rights of ways
Resolution #84 Public Hearing on Zoning to add regulations for the installation of Small Wireless Facilities in public right of ways (Exhibit 3)
2. Public Hearing on a Code Amendment on Solicitation within the Village (Exhibit 4). Public Meeting held over until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting on November 18, 2019
3. Resolution #85 Accept FEMA Project Work Order: #4466 reimbursement for the Gazebo at Osborn Park in the amount of $102,764.29 (Exhibit 4A) Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
4. Resolution #86 Accept NYS Department of Criminal Justice Service Grant funds for Security Cameras, in the amount of $15,000. (Exhibit 4B) Motion made by Trustee Ferrigno 2nd by Deputy Mayor Gagliano – APPROVED
5. Resolution #87 Approve the Marina Boat Slip Rates at $63.00 per linear foot for 2020, remaining the same, no change (Exhibit 5) Motion made by Deputy Mayor Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
6. Approve Finalization of the Annexation of Ho Hum Beach (Exhibit 6) – Tabled until next Meeting
7. Resolution #88 Accept and Approve the Annual Village Court Audit (Exhibit 7)
Motion made by Deputy Gagliano 2nd by Trustee Mackin – APPROVED
8. Updates:
a. Recap of Recent Meeting with William Hillman, Suffolk County DPW Superintendent and Rudy Sunderman Suffolk County Legislator, regarding Traffic Calming on South Country Road
b. Traffic Calming Committee Update
c. New York State Mandatory Training, PERMA On-Line Program available for Board of Trustees and Staff
d. Status of the Community Center ADA Ramp
e. Recap of the Summer Season through August 31, 2019
f. Main Dock Project: BID Opening on October 28, 2019, Projected start date: November 1, 2019, Project End date: April 3, 2019
g. Re-surfacing Browns Lane
h. Re-surfacing Thornhedge Road
i. Osborn Park Dock: Sink Hole, Boat Launch Area, Rock Dock blowout
j. Recap of the Blue Water Vagabond Surf Festival, held on Sunday, September 15, 2019 (Exhibit 8):
9. Resolution #89 Use of Village Facilities and Special Events (Exhibit 9): Motion made by Trustee Mackin 2nd by Trustee Ferrigno – APPROVED
a. Annual Marine Program offered at the Marina by the Cornell Cooperative Extension on October 19th, from 10AM to Noon.
b. Village of Bellport/Bellport Chamber of Commerce Annual Halloween Parade: Saturday, October 26, 2019, from 11:30am-1:00pm
c. Bellport Village Event” Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, December 7, 2019, form 10:00am-Noon; and Tree Lighting Ceremony at 5:00pm.
d. Bellport Village Program Fund: Bellport Bay 5K Run on July 12, 2020 and the BVPF Annual Cocktail Fundraising Party at the Thomas Family home, on August 8, 2020.
Open to the Public
Close Meeting