Village of Bellport
Board Work Session Meeting – April 6, 2020
A G E N D A – Subject to Change
1. Public Participation at Work Sessions and Board Meetings
2. Treasurer’s Update:
a. Presentation of the 2020-21 Tentative Budget (Exhibit 1)*
b. Set Public Hearing for the Tentative Budget on April 13, 2020, at 6:00PM
c. Short-term Cash Requirements and Long-term Debt Planning (Exhibit 2)*
3. Updates:
a. The FEMA Main Dock Project; (Exhibit 3)
1. Soil Suitability
2. Dewatering
3. Addition of Bulkhead on Westside of Main Dock
b. Other Proposed Village Dock Projects out to BID (not funded by FEMA), BID Opening postponed until April 15, 2019
1.) Osborn Park/Row Boat Beach Dock – Sink Hole and Bulkhead,
2.) Repair of the Rock Dock and
3.) The Terminus of Browns Lane Repair,
4.) Replacement of the Ferry Dock
c. Bellport Golf Course:
Bellport County Club Letter, regarding Force Majeur (Exhibit 4)
Golf Pro Jimmy Von Eschen Letter (Exhibit 5)
d. Review of Recent Minutes (Exhibit 6)
4. Special Events: None at this time