Board of Trustees Agenda for April 20, 2020



Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – April 20, 2020




Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call 


Approve Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes of March 23, 2020 (Exhibit 1)


Open to the Public (Meeting being held Virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis)


Report of the Trustees


1)      Resolution ____ Approve the following payments:


          A.    General Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 65 Vendors:


                 ▪         General Fund Expenditures:     $95,598.84, and

                 ▪         Enterprise Fund Expenditures:     7,411.60

                                                         Totaling:  $103,010.44


          B.     Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 15 vendors totaling, $81,248.18.


          C.     Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #10, 2 vendors totaling $603,120.25                                                                                                                  See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2


2)      Resolution ____ Allow the Treasurer to make the necessary budget transfers, as listed in Exhibit 3.


3)      Resolution: ___ Public Hearing of the Tentative 2020-2021 Budget (Exhibit 4)


4)      Resolution: ___ Approve the Tentative 2020-2021 Budget


5)      Resolution: ___ Approve the following contract fee adjustments to the Main Dock Project:

Description                                                                      Amount (Dollars)
(De)watering/Pumping                                                     $   240,000.00
Unsuitable Soil Removal                                                   $     28,000.00
West Bulkhead Extension                                                  $     16,000.00
                                                              TOTAL               $   284,000.00

6)      Updates:

         A.       Status of Upcoming Village Election (Exhibit 5) on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 for:

          1.      2 Trustees for a two-year term


          2.      1 Village Justice for a four-year term


         B.       Bellport Marina Dock:

          ▪         The FEMA Dock Project (FEMA: 4085-577112-PW4654)


          ▪         Other Village Dock Projects BID Results (not under FEMA) (Exhibit 6)


                    1.      Osborn Park Dock/Row Boat Bulkhead,

                    2.      Repair of the Rock Dock

                    3.      The Terminus of Browns Lane Repair,

                    4.      Replacement of the Ferry Dock


          C.     The Bellport Golf Course (Exhibit 7)


         D.    Status of the Enterprise Fund “White Paper”


Open to the Public (Meeting being held Virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis)


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