Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting – September 29, 2020
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Roll Call
Approve Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes of August 24, 2020 (Exhibit 1)
Report of the Trustees
Report of the Village Attorney
Open to the Public: The public is able to view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through Zoom’s Webinar function
- Village election results of Tuesday, September 15, 2020, and the swearing in of the Oath of Office:
- Village Trustee (2-year term): Joseph Gagliano, 102 Votes
- Village Trustee (2-year term): Steven Mackin, 106 Votes
- Village Justice (4-year term): Howard Meyers, 104 Votes
- Resolution __ Approve the following payments:
- General Fund Checking Abstract Report #4. Consisting of 96 vendors:
- General Fund Expenditures: $ 171,388.91
- Enterprise Fund Expenditures: $ 7,021.36
- Capital Fund Expenditures: $ 11,971.51
- Totaling: $ 190,381.78
4. Approve Enterprise Fund Checking Abstract Report #4 Consisting of 22 vendors totaling, $119,422.24.
5. Approve Capital Fund Checking Abstract Report #4. Consisting of 3 vendors totaling $22,484.00 See Summary of Abstracts, included in Exhibit 2
6. Resolution: ____ Approve the Budget Transfers as of May 31, 2020 and September 29, 2020, as outlined in Exhibit 3.
7. The Reorganizational Meeting (Exhibit 4)
8. Resolution: ____ Accept and approve Agreement between Parkland and the Village of Bellport (Exhibit 5)
9. Resolution: ____ Accept and approve the proposed Golf Rates for 2021 (Exhibit 6)
10.Resolution: ____ Accept and approve the employment status changes of code enforcement officer Raymond Stenberg; he is terminating his employment and being re-instated.
- Requests for pro-rata reimbursement to slip holders for the delay in opening the Marina this season due to the FEMA Construction Project and COVID-19 Pandemic (May 9th through June 26th).
- Discussion Next Steps regarding the Bus Company and noise emanating for the buses in the yard.
- Status of the FEMA Main Dock Project
12.Special Events:
- Bellport Fire Department – 2nd Annual Car Show Fundraiser: October 11, 20202, from 9:00AM-2:00PM (6:00AM closing of Main Street); Smaller, scaled down event. This event is cancelled, until further notice.
Open to the Public: The public is able to view this meeting live and give comment, as it is being held virtually on the Internet during the COVID 19 Pandemic Crisis through Zoom Webinar.
Close Meeting
Executive Session