Village of Bellport
Work Session Board Meeting – August 9, 2021
beginning at 6:00PM
A G E N D A (Subject to change)
This meeting is open to the public in the Village Community Center. It is an in-person meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Review of year-to-date financials through July 31, 2021 (Exhibit 1)
- Total taxes collected through August 5, 2021: $2,546,480 (89.56 % of the budget)
- Placing our 1977 Thomas Marine DPW Work Boat for Auction
- Review Alexandra McCabe’s severance payout of $6,056.20 (Exhibit 2)
- Discussion Topic: Smoking on Village Property (Exhibit 3)
- Discussion Topic: Cannabis Opt-Out – requirement and timeline
- Proposed Playground Equipment for Mothers’ Beach – donation by the Bellport Village Program Fund (Exhibit 4)
- Public Hearing: Draft Code: “Regulation of Certain Licensed Home Improvement Contractors.” (Exhibit: 5)
- Updates:
- Waterfront –
- FEMA Main Dock Project: FEMA Validation of Project;
- Punch List Items;
- Change Order #5 (Exhibit 6)
- Ferry: Engine Trouble (Oil Pump), Usage/Ridership and Expenses (Exhibit 7)
- Ho Hum – Extending the Beach Season into September
- South Howells Creek Erosion: GEI Consulting (Exhibit 8)
- FIMP Plan: Communication from Town Supervisor Edward Romaine to Congress Member Lee Zeldin’s Office (Exhibit 9)
- Support of Grant submission to US Senators: Gillibrand and Schumer and Congressman Zeldin (Exhibit 10)
- Update: Traffic Calming Measures: Speed Humps and Pedestrian Stanchions at South Country Road and North and South Howells Roads
- Review Monthly Building Report (Exhibit: 11)
- Review Monthly Code Report (Exhibit: 12)
- Special Events:
- Browns Lane Block Party between Hulse and Maple: August 15, 2021 (Rain date: August 22nd), 5:00PM- 9:00PM (Exhibit 13)
- Bellport Chamber of Commerce: Summer Lobster Dinner at Avino’s Restaurant
(Exhibit 14)
- Community Surfing Outing at Ho Hum Beach: Blue Water Vagabond Surf Festival – September 18, 2021 (Exhibit 15)
- Mary Immaculate Sponsored Blood Drive in our Community Center: Sunday, August 15, 2021, 9:00AM-3:00pm (Exhibit 16)
- Review the June 21, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes (Exhibit: 17)