COVID-19 UPDATE AS OF MARCH 19, 2020 – Message from Mayor Raymond Fell

·         Village Hall will be closed to the public until further notice.  Please call 631-286-0327, or email for information or concerns.  If it is absolutely necessary to    come to Village Hall, please call for an appointment

·         All Village Board meetings will be held as scheduled; however, the meetings will be closed to the public.  The Village is developing a procedure for video and/or voice access.  Please check our website for further information.

·         All Planning Board, Zoning Board, ARB and Historic Commission meetings are postponed, until further notice.

·         All Village Commission and Committee meetings are postponed until further notice.

·         The Village Building Department will only be conducting outside/exterior inspections.  No interior inspections will be scheduled.  Please contact the Building Department with questions at 631-286-0327.  This procedure will stay in place until further notice.

          1.    Certificates of Occupancy:  If final inspection has been completed and all documentation submitted, CO’s will be mailed.

          2.    Incomplete Construction Projects:  Construction projects that are not close to completion but have permits that are set to expire and need to be renewed            can renew their permits over the phone.

           Since the Building Department is not conducting interior inspections, construction projects that are nearing completion and whose permits are expiring will                 not need to renew the permits.

           3.    New building applications can be submitted electronically.  Documents should be e-mailed to

·         Village Court will not be in regular session.  All cases, including housing, parking, Village Ordinances and vehicle and traffic are administratively adjourned.  Upon resumption of regular court sessions, you will be contacted by court personnel for a court date.

·         Due to the contagious nature of this virus, the use of all playground equipment by children and adults is suspended, effective immediately.


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